First reflections on the topic „Imaginary Objects“/thoughts as sculpture in the context of art
First implementation of text drafts for thought sculpture works/imaginings. Elaboration of a concept and definition of the collective term „The Thought Sculpture“. Subsequently, elaboration of text definitions of first works such as „The Smell of Snow“, „Humility“ and „Lokonoize“.
Imagination „(Pedestal for) Life/Imagination for NYC“; elaboration of various further thought sculptures/thought installations
Poster action/thought sculpture „England“, Soho/New York City, USA
First floor plan „Museum im Kopf“ (MIK)/“Museum in the Mind“ (MIM)“
Imagination „Frosted glass brick“- public laying of the foundation stone of the „Museum in the Mind“ in the context of an advertisement/half a page in the swiss art magazine „ARTIS“, 5/94
Poster action/thought installation „Little Moonlight Storage“, Basel
F + P Galerie, Basel, typeface image objects/ installations of thoughts; solo exhibition
24. Basellandschaftliche Kunstausstellung, Münchenstein; typeface image image objects, installation of thoughts
Poster action/thought installation „12 Little Moonlight Storages for Zermatt“, Zermatt
Kunsthalle Basel, annual exhibition, typeface image object „Silence“
Ausstellungsraum Klingental, annual exhibition; typeface image objects
Apart23, typeface image objects/installations of thoughts; solo show
Kunstverein Baselland, Untere Fabrik, Sissach, typeface image objects
Ximo43, Basel, typeface objects, solo show
Selection`99, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, typeface image objects
Gundeldinger Kunsthalle Basel; typeface image objects/installations of thought, solo exhibition- during the duration of the exhibition the following thought installations can be seen in public spaces in the city of Basel in October: Imagination „White (Pedestal for Life)“, Theaterplatz, Basel / Imagination „Love“, Elisabethenkirche Basel / Imagination „The Smell of Snow“, Unternehmen Mitte, Basel
Gallery First Row, Basel; typeface image objects
ARC, Freiburg/Deutschland; solo show, typeface image objects
First mention of MIK on the internet within the framework of the website jeltsch.eu
Hebel 121, Basel; (Almost) Ready-Made, annual group show
Revision of the project- new shape, floor plan and name; the project is now called alba.imago.museum
Planning and elaboration of further thought installations in public spaces
Pataphysical Institute Basel (PIB), installations of thoughts/imaginations
Pataphysical Institute Basel (PIB), typeface image objects, installations of thoughts/imaginations
The preview of the website „Die Gedankenskulptur“ including the current chapter „The Thought Sculpture in Public Space“ planned for spring will be postponed to 2016. In addition to the idea and concept of the thought sculpture, the website will also document a comprehensive collection of works that have been created over the past 24 years in the context of the engagement with this project
Official release of the website gedankenskulptur.ch
Petershof Basel, typeface image objects/installations of thoughts
Renaming of the installation of thought „White (Imagination for NYC) from 1993 – new title: „Pedestal for Life / Imagination for New York City“
Artbox Rio-Bar, Basel, „Pedestal for Life / Imagination for New York City“, basic essential edition for Artbox Rio-Bar, Basel, installation of thoughts (poster)
Warteck pp, exhibition „Wolkenzimmer“ – part of the night of the museums basel 2024, installations of thoughts, statements