The brake noise of an ancient steam train locomotive coming to a standstill, in the mind, transformed into three dimensional metal sculpture, set up on the empty flat base





„Lokonoize“, 1994, Reto Jeltsch, sculpture of thought, metal stand with text plate (or digital device with Wi-Fi), pedestal, wood


„Lokonoize“, sculpture of thought/imagination, room space view/setup

Recommended room space: ten meters long, seven meters wide

In the back of the room, on the floor, there is a flat pedestal made of wood, painted white. The base is centered between the side walls, one meter from the back wall of the room. It’s fifteen centimeters high, one hundred fifty centimeters wide, and eighty centimeters deep. Five meters in front of the empty pedestal there is a metal stand with a text panel on which the sculpture of thought is defined


Room view 2


Artwork history / background information

