Turn the whispered sound imprint of the word „Switzerland“ into a clear visual image in your mind. The image can be either two-dimensional, such as a painting hanging on a wall, or three-dimensional, resembling a sculptural object that can hang on a wall, stand, or float freely in front of the wall at any height

This process can be repeated, as needed

Next, project the image creation onto or in front of an empty white wall

There are no specific dimensions or shape given for this visualization – its implementation is largely up to the receiver of these instructions

(while implementing the imagination – try to avoid/block out any association/given images connnected to the country of Switzerland – try to only focus on the sound of the proper name, the shape, size and consistence it could take on)





„Switzerland“, 2022, Reto Jeltsch, installation of thoughts/imagination for interior spaces, metal stand with text plate or smartphone/digital device with wi-fi access, screen

